Backendless bietet einen gamified Einstieg in ihre NoCode-Plattform an.

Screenshot: Mission Packs For Codeless Learning – Backendless – 7. September 2022

Backendless ist eine der interessanteren NoCode-Plattformen. Offenbar schon seit längerem bietet die Firma einen geführten Einstieg in die Welt der NoCode-Entwicklung auf ihrer Plattform an.

Backendless Missions (now found within the Product Tour) are designed to teach you the ins and outs of Backendless. Now, we’ve separated Missions into Mission Packs, allowing you to choose between a purely Codeless experience and learning with code.

Missions are a built-in gamified tutorial system created to make it easy to learn Backendless. Completing Missions helps you better understand the vast functionality of Backendless, and can earn you cool prizes as well.

Mission Packs For Codeless Learning


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